Children's Village's Chef-Led Nutrition Program Featured in The Philadelphia Inquirer

The Philadelphia Inquirer highlights Children’s Village’s exceptional Nutrition Program in the article:

Children’s Village director pushes back on the ‘fastfoodification’ of school food
Mary Graham employs a chef-led service staff to prepare fresh food and serve it family-style to about 400 children ranging from infancy to 12 years old.

Here’s an excerpt from the August 23, 2023 article:

The joy of cooking from scratch

Graham now employs a chef-led service staff to prepare fresh food on-site in a commercial kitchen and served family-style to about 400 children ranging from infancy to 12 years old. Instead of danishes and chocolate milk, breakfast at Children’s Village may be cheese frittatas and whole grain raisin toast. Or grits and fruit packed in natural juice. Salmon and garlic shrimp replace fish sticks at lunchtime.

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Ellen Saint Clair